Use Your Solar Monitoring as a Sales Tool

Use Your Solar Monitoring as a Sales Tool

Your solar monitoring software allows you to detect performance errors and operational issues, but are you also using it as a unique selling point for your business? Here are a few effective ways to use your solar monitoring as a sales tool.

Customer Service on Automation

Clear and consistent communication is essential for excellent customer service. Improve your organization’s customer satisfaction by implementing automatic reports on their solar plant. You can even brand these reports as another reminder of the great customer service that your company provides.

Solar-Log’s Success is YOUR Asset

The Solar-Log® monitoring platform is one of the most trusted in the world. Over 300,000 plant owners and solar professionals rely on the data it provides to protect the investment that they made in solar. Set yourself apart from the competition by educating prospects about this secure monitoring asset which your organization provides.

Increase Solar ROI and Prove it to Your Prospects

Monitoring solar plants is the best way to protect against long-term failure. Failures can cost plant owners hundreds, and even thousands of dollars in lost power production. Fortunately for your customers, you have the ultimate tool to protect the investment that they made in solar.

Using practical examples, illustrating the cost behind undetected power loss, you can prove that monitoring will save the plant owner money. Here is a great example we like to use. Feel free to use this in your sales presentations with prospective customers.

Keep Your Brand in Full View

Solar-Log WEB 4 is designed to be a sales tool for your solar business. Consumer-facing, branded portals help increase your brand recognition. Easily add your logo or company tagline to stay top-of-mind among your customers and prospects. You can even customize the colors, header, or frame in your website.

Make More Money with Monitoring

The idea of adding services is great, but can installers make money that way? If they have low-cost hardware combined with the right software tools, they can. Together, we will help you distinguish your company from the competition and sell more solar!

Note: This article relates to features that are available on Solar-Log WEB Enerest™ 3.0 XL. A new software platform is available now!!