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Solar Plant Troubleshooting
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Much More Than Just PV Troubleshooting

The emazys Z200 PV Analyzer is a portable, battery-powered instrument that not only detects plant faults and failures but also pinpoints the exact location of the failure within the array. It makes troubleshooting PV arrays fast by saving an average of 2.5 hours per troubleshooting task!

Once connected and activated, the Z200 will perform impedance spectroscopy between connected string terminals, as well as measure the terminal voltages and currents flowing under various DC loads introduced by the instrument. By combining the results from these various measurements using the on-board computer, critical faults in the system can be defined and located.

Low-cost, high-functionality PV ground fault troubleshooting

The Z200 PV Analyzer was designed for photovoltaic troubleshooting, diagnostics and O&M applications. The analyzer comes with a range of testing features to help solve in-field problems. The Z200 PV Analyzer has an ideal combination of relatively low-cost and very high O&M test functionality, making it an ideal choice for solar energy field technicians.

emazys pv analyzer string test troubleshoot

When the String Tester application is activated, the Z200 Analyzer will set up a series of measurements based on deriving the basic solar cell impedance, which gives the user a quick overview of the general health of the PV module string being tested. The Z200 PV Analyzer is a multi-function tester that can also be used to measure the position of a disconnect in a string of solar PV modules. According to the Photovoltaic Systems textbook (published by NJATC), a solar PV ground fault is “the condition of current flowing through the grounding conductor.” The Z200 PV Analyzer may be used much like a conventional cable tester for PV modules. The Z200 can generate frequencies that can be picked up and heard, with a handheld pickup across all cables and modules in solar PV systems.

Major benefits of the
emazys Z200 PV Analyzer include:

  • Find faults, prevent maintenance and ensure safety
  • Super-fast verification of overall PV systems health
  • Detect potential failures in less than 5 minutes
  • PID/TID estimates without dismantling modules
  • Check connections, bypass diodes, PID, TID
  • Acquire data by measuring Rs, Riso, Voc, Isc, and impedance
  • Built-in state machine for easy conclusion on measured data
  • Tone generator and cable fault finder built-in – up to 1000 V
PV troubleshooting
emazys Z200 PV Analyzer
(Tablet not included)
emazys pv analyzer string test troubleshoot
Much More than a String Tester or IV Curve Tracer

Traditional string testers provide the first piece of the puzzle. The emazys Z200 PV Analyzer helps you solve that puzzle.

When people first learn about the emazys Z200, they try to fit this unique tool in either the string tester or IV curve “box”. The thing is, the Z200 is so much more than a tool that tells you there is a problem.

The Z200 will:

Tell you WHAT the problem is
Identify WHERE the problem is
Determine WHY you aren’t getting expected returns

Z200 Sample Reports

The Z200 interprets the data for you. It actually explains the problem with the solar plant, and where within the array the issue is occurring. There is no need to spend hours scrutinizing the data or interpreting reports in order to determine the issue. The Z200’s self-explanatory reports make your next steps clear. Check out these sample reports: