Sunrise Solar Helps Farmer Recoup Electricity Costs

Sunrise Solar Helps Farmer Recoup Electricity Costs

Sunrise Solar is a locally owned and operated solar designer and installer in Chestertown, MD. It specializes in agricultural solar solutions throughout Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey. In May 2018 it commissioned a 994kW ground-mount system with Solar-Log monitoring for H.D. Myles Farms in Maryland. The goal was simple – to shave the $160,000 yearly electric bill.

The development process began in late 2017 and the installation began in the spring of 2018. Each of the 3 separate farms has 8 chicken houses per farm with a total of 7 separate meters. “We utilized aggregate net metering to interconnect to the utility”, said Dan Baugher, Sunrise Solar. “The solar system saves the customer $140,000 per year.”

Sunrise Solar installed Solar-Log monitoring. They selected a Solar-Log 2000 data logger to monitor plant performance and a Solar-Log 2050 for the revenue grade metering required for performance-based incentive reporting. Cellular connectivity means the Solar-Log is not dependent on onsite internet. Sunrise Solar can monitor the entire array from the Solar-Log Web Enerest™ XL platform.

Installer: Sunrise Solar
Location: Maryland, USA
Nominal Power: 994kW
Expected Annual Output: 1,352,000 kWh
Inverter Type: Chint Power Systems
Mounting system: Schletter FS Uno
Monitoring: Solar-Log 2000, Solar-Log 2050 Cellular RGM, Solar-Log WEB 4