Solar-Log SCADA Controlled 5.6MW Rooftop Solar PV Portfolio

Solar-Log SCADA Controlled 5.6MW Rooftop Solar PV Portfolio

Canada-based solar wholesale distributor and EPC, Frankensolar Americas Inc., is working with the Solar Income Fund to deploy solar PV plants on 25 elementary and secondary schools owned by Canada’s Greater Essex District County School Board. The schools are centered around Windsor, Ontario and the rooftop solar PV plants will range from 80kWdc to 567kWdc. As part of their responsibility to supply a leading-edge solar PV solution, Frankensolar selected the Solar-Log® monitoring for the real-time visualization and control needed.

The Essex projects have interconnection with four different utility companies which Frankensolar and Solar-Log® coordinated with to determine and meet their operational SCADA requirements. Enwin utility accounted for the majority of grid interconnection and required a secure VPN solution that integrated with their hardware over the DNP3 protocol. This connection provides the utility with live streaming data of key PV plant metrics including Voltage, Current, Power Factor and other data points. Additionally through this connection the utility has the ability to remotely turn the PV plant on or off within seconds, helping to stabilize grid operation and provide power off functionality. The Solar-Log® unit acts as the brain and gateway for this SCADA control solution, bridging secure communication between the Enwin hardware and the Inverters over their native protocol. Additionally, the Solar-Log® unit provides revenue grade metering of PV production.

The Greater Essex District County School Board can maximize the power generation by monitoring the operation of all 25 PV plants from a single Solar-Log WEB portal. This includes attractive public kiosk displays and a comprehensive graphical user interface. Additionally, the utilities are able to control the plants’ power generation through its secure Internet VPN using the SCADA DNP3 protocol. The key to this advanced PV monitoring and power management application is Solar-Log’s unique protocol integration with all major inverter brands.

Frankensolar installed Solar-Log® Commercial Revenue Grade Meter solutions with Solar-Log 2000s. Each plant will use inverter direct monitoring and will have near real-time data visualization through the Solar-Log WEB Enerest™ portal.