Are you starting to get concerned about the number of solar plant monitoring solutions you have? If you’re concerned, you’re not alone. Many solar plant installers seek out Solar-Log monitoring to solve a significant back-office headache; toggling solar monitoring platforms.
READ: One Company’s Secret to O&M Success
The Gateway to Solar Monitoring Overload
Picture this, solar installer XYZ Sun has been in business for ten years. XYZ Sun started using Fronius and ABB inverters, then added SMA and Solectria. Now they install mostly SolarEdge, Sungrow, and Chint inverters. They opt for the monitoring that comes with the inverter for each solar plant.
READ: Monitoring That Comes with The Inverter is Enough, and Other Popular Solar Monitoring Myths
Fast forward to today. XYZ Sun now has a fleet of hundreds of plants and needs a team of three people to handle seven different solar monitoring platforms. Monitoring their fleet is now overwhelming in both time and high cost. Their main business is installing solar plants however they spend more time monitoring sites than installing them. The situation is only getting worse as their fleet grows.
Imagine what the workday would look like for XYZ Sun if they had connected each solar plant to the same solar monitoring software from the beginning.

The Solution to Solar Monitoring Overload
Solar-Log energy monitoring and management has been in the solar business for over 12 years. Solar-Log spends an extensive amount of time on partnerships with inverter manufacturers. Each day, they integrate more and more components and increase compatibility. Today, Solar-Log is compatible with more devices than any other solar plant monitoring platform. This universal compatibility means monitoring all solar plants from a single monitoring solution.

Solar-Log is compatible with over 2,000 different components. Compatible devices include over 100 inverter brands, storage systems, weather sensors, meters, and more.
The best news is that Solar-Log is compatible with older, legacy inverters and the newest inverter models. So even as the leading brands shift or change, solar plants can still be connected to the same software solution.

DOWNLOAD: A step-by-step guide to connecting legacy systems to Solar-Log
Solar-Log monitoring reduces time and costs on the back-end by eliminating the need to train on multiple monitoring platforms. This consolidation to one platform and one login expedites the monitoring. Plant operators are able to view their entire fleet, commercial and residential, from a single online space.
Whether you are just starting your solar business or have been in business for many years, contact us for more information on Solar-Log. Eliminate the most common solar fleet monitoring headache. Set your team up for success while monitoring the entire fleet from a single energy management platform.
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