Solar-Log® understands that it’s not all about us –it’s about the global market we support. An underutilized, but vital tool solar installers have through Solar-Log WEB Enerest™ XL is the ability to fully customize the customer-facing portal around their branding to strengthen solar brand recognition and increase business!
Profile Pictures Aren’t Just for Social Media
Tailoring each plant with its own picture makes the customer’s experience easier as it allows them to identify with each plant. On the operator’s side, they can easily pick out each plant by its picture rather than remembering the plant name. When managing a large fleet, this can make a big difference by eliminating the need to weed through a laundry list of plants.
Logos, Headers, and Backgrounds Oh My
Solar-Log’s online portal is not designed to showcase our own logo or branding. Located conveniently at the top of each page is a preselected location for an installer’s logo as well as a plant name –and for a fully tailored experience, a complete page header can be substituted on the top of the portal, clearly visible on every page. This is the perfect area to showcase certain plants, the logo, or a business’s tagline. Behind the portal, customers can decide what color they want their background and also if they want a design that corresponds with their own branding. Positioned above this is the simplistic Solar-Log® interface which can be altered to display exactly what is desired –whether that be the dashboard, maps, images, or a complete list of plants operating on their portal.
An Extension of Your Website
Customers don’t want to feel like they are being sold something new –or worse have a pop-up problem from your website. Being directed to a standard portal can confuse clients and make them less likely to use your service. Coordinating the portal to look like an operator’s website can help minimize the surprise redirection. Through their customer-facing view, the portal will just look like an interactive area for them to flip through. This can even come in handy if they are showing the portal to a friend or family member as they will familiarize themselves with the solar brand visible on the site.
If you could boost your own solar brand recognition with a program you’re already using, why would you wait? Let us help you realize your full potential.